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Community International starts the strongest European network of communication and creative marketing agencies.

A new independent network of communication and marketing agencies will begin operating as of January 1st, 2020. Two strong alliances, CommWorld and Dialogue International joined forces in November 2019. The merged group’s specialty is that all members are owner-managed communication and marketing services agencies. They offer coordinated client engagement in all European markets and beyond.

“We met in Venice in November 2019 to form Community International. The driver for a new and even more powerful alliance was similar aims to share the latest knowledge between the members” said Thomas Hans, Co-President of the Board of Community International.

“We are now 26 members with 51 offices in 28 countries. What makes us special is that we combine entrepreneurial spirit with the power of independence”, continues Susanne Hartinger, Co-President, who shares the Chair with Thomas Hans in the new network. “The newest member of Community International is agency Novelus from Slovenia, with additional offices in Croatia and Serbia”.

Commworld and Dialogue International have both existed in parallel for 30 years. Through this merger all member agencies will profit from the expanded skill set and experience, especially in markets where no former partner existed.

Community International is the only network of owner-managed agencies that operates a dedicated company in Brussels to harness the power of its members for EU tenders. Our agency will become a shareholder of EEIG.

Susanne Hartinger and Thomas Hans were elected as Co-Presidents. Together with a Board of six agency owners they will foster a responsive business culture and deploy the wide range of core competences to the benefit of all member agencies and clients with cross-border ambitions. Jorg Borgwardt was appointed as network manager. Richard Courridge continues as Company Secretary.

The next Community International meeting will be held in Lisbon in May 2020. It will be a Forum meeting with the participation of about 80 creative people from all over Europe.

If you have a European project and would like to hear more about Community International and what can do for you, please contact us.